
St Peter’s has a number of groups and activities you can get involved with.

Small Groups

Small groups of around 8 to 12 members meet regularly in homes or at church to discuss the Bible and pray together. See the Small Groups page for details.

Women’s Activities

Once every few months, the women of St Peter’s (and their friends!) get together to enjoy each other’s company and a bit of Bible input. Sometimes it’s for morning tea, sometimes for dinner, and once a year to attend Canberra Women’s Christian Convention. See the events page for specifics.

Men’s Activities

The men of St Peter’s gather four or five times per year, usually for a Saturday breakfast in the church hall, with an injection of God’s wisdom from the Bible. Once a year we attend Canberra Men’s Christian Convention. Details on the events page.

Midweek Communion Service

A monthly church service in a traditional Anglican style, for those unable to make it on Sundays. First Tuesday of the month, with morning tea from 10am and the service from 10:30. Contact us if you require transport.

Ladies’ Book Club 

A new book to discuss each month. On the third Saturday of the month, 3–4:30pm in the foyer of the church building.

Craft Group

Enjoy craft and friendship, and the opportunity to participate in projects that make a difference for those in need. Meets on the fourth Saturday of the month, 11–3pm in the foyer of the church building. Tea and coffee provided, BYO lunch. All welcome!

Got questions? Contact us.